Xpert® HBV Viral Load
Detection and quantitation of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) in less than one hour
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10 Tests
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Collection devices
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Sarstedt Minivette POCT 100 μl(Pack of 100)
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The Need

Efficient Treatment Delivery
  • Although a vaccine for HBV exists, there is still no cure and lifelong treatment is needed for individuals already chronically infected with Hepatitis B Virus
  • HBV rapid antibody testing is mainly done at point of care or in community based programmes but HBV viral load testing and monitoring is traditionally done in the laboratory with long turnaround times, which can result in more patients being lost to follow up and care
  • Service coverage of core interventions are needed to expand prevention, testing and treatment for HBV

The Solution

Xpert HBV Viral Load on the GeneXpert® System
  • Accurate and reliable quantification of HBV DNA in human serum or plasma
  • Flexible throughput for any testing setting with round the clock, on-demand results
  • Simplify disease management with the possibility of having sample to viral load results less than one hour

The Impact

  • Improve Patient Care: Same day results support better clinical decisions
  • Increase Efficiency: High quality HBV viral load quantitative results for accurate treatment delivery
  • Strengthen Communities: Quick decisions can help reduce drug resistance and lower transmission
Designed for both near patient testing and high throughput labs.
  • No Waiting: Deliver rapid individual patient results in a single visit
  • Simple and organised: True 24/7 random access accommodates other urgent test requests — i.e., Xpert® HCV Viral Load, Xpert® HIV-1 Viral Load, Xpert® MTB/RIF Ultra can run simultaneously on the same system
  • Improved Service: Modular system can adapt to any throughput requirement from Health Clinics to National Reference Centers