Xpert ® HIV-1 Qual XC
A molecular point-of-care test that delivers actionable results in around 90 minutes
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The Need

  • Acute HIV infections are characterized by the lack of anti-HIV antibodies and the presence of high levels of virus in the blood and a risk of transmission.1
  • Maternal HIV antibodies can persist in a child up to 18 months preventing the use of serological testing for diagnosis. HIV infection in infants can be definitively confirmed only with HIV NAT2 (e.g. PCR) testing.
  • A highly sensitive HIV qualitative PCR test is needed for early diagnosis of HIV infections in high-risk populations and infants.
(1)WHO HIV/AIDS Key Fact updates July 2020. Consulté en juillet2020 https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/hiv-aids
(2) Katzenstein DA, et all. The relation of virologic and immunologic markers to clinical outcomes after nucleoside therapy in HIV-infected adults with 200 to 500 CD4 cells per cubic millimeter. AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study 175 Virology Study Team. N Engl J Med. 1996 Oct 10;335(15):1091-8.
(3)Mellors JW, et al. Plasma viral load and CD4+ lymphocytes as prognostic markers of HIV-1 infection. Ann Intern Med. 1997 Jun 15;126(12):946-54.

The Solution

  • The Xpert HIV-1 Qual XC (extended coverage) test is a nucleic acid amplification test for the qualitative detection of HIV-1 total nucleic acids, on the automated GeneXpert® system and directly from whole blood or dried blood spot samples.
  • It is intended to aid in the diagnosis of HIV-1 infection in infant, adolescent, and adult populations that can be performed in a laboratory or at the point of care.
* Historique des résultats disponible pour les patients dont la charge virale a été mesurée plusieurs fois sur le même GeneXpert.
^ Capacité opérationnelle sur Infinity-80; analyse interne.

The Impact

  • Improve access to HIV testing: Designed for near-patient testing in any setting allowing faster delivery of results and medical follow up. Simple sample collection, testing, and results in ~90 minutes.3,4
  • Accurate results for infant diagnosis and acute infections: Earlier detection provides an important opportunity to improve management in all age groups.3,4
  • Reduce time from testing to treatment: Fast track initiation of treatment, reduce risk of transmission and increase retention in care with point-of-care HIV-1 nucleic acid tests.3,4
CE-IVD. Dispositif médical de diagnostic invitro. Non disponible dans tous les pays.
(1)WHO HIV/AIDS Key Fact updates July 2020. Consulté en juillet2020 https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/hiv-aids
(2) Katzenstein DA, et all. The relation of virologic and immunologic markers to clinical outcomes after nucleoside therapy in HIV-infected adults with 200 to 500 CD4 cells per cubic millimeter. AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study 175 Virology Study Team. N Engl J Med. 1996 Oct 10;335(15):1091-8.
(3)Mellors JW, et al. Plasma viral load and CD4+ lymphocytes as prognostic markers of HIV-1 infection. Ann Intern Med. 1997 Jun 15;126(12):946-54.
(4)Mellors JW, et al. Prognosis in VIH-1 infection predicted by the quantity of virus in plasma. Science. 1996 May 24;272(5265):1167-70.
(5)O’Brien WA, et al Changes in plasma HIV-1 RNA and CD4+ lymphocyte counts and the risk of progression to AIDS. Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study Group on AIDS. N Engl J Med. 1996 Feb 15;334(7):426-31.
(6) Ruiz L, et al. Quantitative HIV-1 RNA as a marker of clinical stability and survival in a cohort of 302 patients with a mean CD4 cell count of 300 x 10(6)/l. Aids. 1996 Sep;10(11):F39-44.
(7)Saag MS, et al. HIV viral load markers in clinical practice. Nat Med. 1996 Jun;2(6):625-9.
Non disponible dans tous les pays. Le test Xpert HIV-1 Viral LoadXC est uniquement disponible dans l’Union européenne et dans les pays acceptant l’enregistrement du marquageCE. Pour les autres pays où l’enregistrement du produit est en cours, le test Xpert HIV-1 Viral Load est disponible. Veuillez contacter votre représentant Cepheid local pour plus d’informations sur la disponibilité du nouveau produit.