Over 20 Tests*. 1 Platform.
Everywhere You Need It.
Toll Free Number: 1800 420 9099
Email: marketing.india@cepheid.com
More than a decade ago, Cepheid set the standard for innovation in automated molecular diagnostics with the GeneXpert® System. With the GeneXpert System and the Xpert® test menu, Cepheid delivers actionable results when and where clinicians need them the most.
Here is a brief introduction of the tests capable of running on the GeneXpert System (CBNAAT^):
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Ut porttitor ac diam vel egestas. Suspendisse iaculis vitae nunc eget tincidunt. Curabitur congue feugiat vestibulum. Phasellus augue massa, dapibus a tellus non, dapibus accumsan dolor.